plugin_interface.h File Reference

#include <QObject>
#include <QSettings>
#include "catalog.h"

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Data Structures

class  PluginInterface
 This is the class that a plugin must implement. More...


#define DESKTOP_GNOME   1
#define DESKTOP_KDE   2
#define MSG_GET_ID   0
 This message asks the Plugin for its ID Number.
#define MSG_GET_LABELS   1
 This message asks the plugin if it would like to apply a label to the current search query.
#define MSG_GET_RESULTS   2
 Asks the plugin for any results to a query.
#define MSG_GET_CATALOG   3
 Asks the plugin for a static catalog to be added to the primary catalog Some plugins will add permanent entries to Launchy's primary catalog (until the catalog is rebuilt).
#define MSG_LAUNCH_ITEM   4
 This message instructs the plugin that one of its own catalog items was selected by the user and should now be executed.
#define MSG_INIT   5
 This message informs the plugin that it's being loaded.
#define MSG_HAS_DIALOG   6
 This message asks the plugin if it has a dialog to display in the options menu.
#define MSG_DO_DIALOG   7
 This message tells the plugin that it's time to show its user interface.
#define MSG_GET_NAME   8
 This message asks the plugin for its string name.
#define MSG_END_DIALOG   9
 This message informs the plugin that it should close its dialog.
#define MSG_LAUNCHY_SHOW   10
 This message informs the plugin that Launchy is now visible on the screen.
#define MSG_LAUNCHY_HIDE   11
 This message informs the plugin that Launchy is no longer visible on the screen.
#define MSG_CONTROL_EXIT   501


void runProgram (QString file, QString args)
 A convienience run function.
int getDesktop ()

Define Documentation


Definition at line 46 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define DESKTOP_GNOME   1

Definition at line 47 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define DESKTOP_KDE   2

Definition at line 48 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_GET_ID   0

This message asks the Plugin for its ID Number.

Launchy needs an unsigned int identification value for each loaded plugin. You supply your own here. Typically, this is the result of hashing a string, as shown in the example below.

wParam (uint*) That stores the resulting ID number.
Because we're hashing strings to integers.. it is theoretically possible that two plugin names will collide to the same plugin id.
	int WebyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam)
		bool handled = false;
		switch (msgId)
			case MSG_GET_ID:
				*wParam = qHash(QString("Weby_Plugin"))
				handled = true;
		return handled;

Definition at line 74 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_GET_LABELS   1

This message asks the plugin if it would like to apply a label to the current search query.

It is sometimes useful to label user queries with plugin-defined tags. For instance, the weby plugin will tag input that contains "www" or ".com" or ".net" with the hash value of the string "HASH_WEBSITE". Then, other plugins that see the query can know that the current search is for a website.

The InputData class stores the current user's query. It is in a List structure because each time "tab" is pressed by the user a new InputData is formed and appended to the list. In other words, if the user typed "google <tab> this is my query" then wParam would represent a list of 2 InputData classes, with the first representing "google", and the second, "this is my query". Each InputData can be tagged individually.

This is called each time the user changes a character in his or her query, so make sure it's fast.
wParam QList<InputData>* id
lParam NULL
	void WebyPlugin::getLabels(QList<InputData>* id)
		if (id->count() > 1)

		// Apply a "website" label if we think it's a website
		QString & text = id->last().getText();

		if (text.contains("http://", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
		else if (text.contains("https://", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) 
		else if (text.contains(".com", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) 
		else if (text.contains(".net", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
		else if (text.contains(".org", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
		else if (text.contains("www.", Qt::CaseInsensitive))

	int WebyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam)
		bool handled = false;
		switch (msgId)
				getLabels((QList<InputData>*) wParam);
				handled = true;
		return handled;

Definition at line 130 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_GET_RESULTS   2

Asks the plugin for any results to a query.

If your plugin returns catalog results on the fly to a query (e.g. a website query for weby or a calculator result), then this is the place to do so. The existing results are stored in the list of CatItem's (short for Catalog Items) passed in as lParam and you can append your own results to it.

wParam (QList<InputData>*): The user's query
lParam (QList<CatItem>*): The list of existing results for the query, you can append your own
	void WebyPlugin::getResults(QList<InputData>* id, QList<CatItem>* results)
		// Is this query a website?  If so create a new result for the website
		if (id->last().hasLabel(HASH_WEBSITE)) {
			QString & text = id->last().getText();
			// This is a website, create an entry for it
			results->push_front(CatItem(text + ".weby", text, HASH_WEBY, getIcon()));
		// Is this query of form:  website <tab> search_term?
		if (id->count() > 1 && id->first().getTopResult().id == HASH_WEBY) {
			QString & text = id->last().getText();
			// This is user search text, create an entry for it
			results->push_front(CatItem(text + ".weby", text, HASH_WEBY, getIcon()));

	int WebyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam)
		bool handled = false;
		switch (msgId)
				getResults((QList<InputData>*) wParam, (QList<CatItem>*) lParam);
				handled = true;
		return handled;

Definition at line 178 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_GET_CATALOG   3

Asks the plugin for a static catalog to be added to the primary catalog Some plugins will add permanent entries to Launchy's primary catalog (until the catalog is rebuilt).

For instance, weby adds firefox bookmarks into the primary catalog. This is the function in which that is done.

wParam (QList<CatItem>*): The catalog that you append your new entries to (these will be copied over to the primary catalog)
	void WebyPlugin::getCatalog(QList<CatItem>* items)
		// Add the default websites to the catalog "google/amazon/etc.."
		foreach(WebySite site, sites) {
			items->push_back(CatItem( + ".weby",, HASH_WEBY, getIcon()));

		// If we're supposed to index firefox, then do that there
		if ((*settings)->value("weby/firefox", true).toBool()) {
			QString path = getFirefoxPath();
			indexFirefox(path, items);

	int WebyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam)
		bool handled = false;
		switch (msgId)
				getCatalog((QList<CatItem>*) wParam);
				handled = true;
		return handled;

Definition at line 216 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_LAUNCH_ITEM   4

This message instructs the plugin that one of its own catalog items was selected by the user and should now be executed.

If the plugin adds items to the catalog via MSG_GET_RESULTS or MSG_GET_CATALOG and one of those items is selected by the user then it is up to the plugin to execute it when the user presses "enter". This is where you perform the action.

wParam (QList<InputData>*): The user's query
lParam (CatItem*): The user selected catalog item
	void WebyPlugin::launchItem(QList<InputData>* id, CatItem* item)
		QString file = "";
		QString args = "";

		if (id->count() == 2) {
			args = id->last().getText();
			args = QUrl::toPercentEncoding(args);
			item = &id->first().getTopResult();

		// Is it a Firefox shortcut?
		if (item->fullPath.contains(".shortcut")) {
			file = item->fullPath.mid(0, item->fullPath.count()-9);
			file.replace("%s", args);
		else { // It's a user-specific site
			bool found = false;
			foreach(WebySite site, sites) {
				if (item->shortName == {
					found = true;
					file = site.base;
					if (args != "") {
						QString tmp = site.query;
						tmp.replace("%s", args);
						file += tmp;

			if (!found) {
				file = item->shortName;	
				if (!file.contains("http://")) {
					file = "http://" + file;
		QUrl url(file);
		runProgram(url.toEncoded(), "");

	int WebyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam)
		bool handled = false;
		switch (msgId)
				launchItem((QList<InputData>*) wParam, (CatItem*) lParam);
				handled = true;
		return handled;

Definition at line 285 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_INIT   5

This message informs the plugin that it's being loaded.

This is a good time to do any initialization work.

wParam NULL
lParam NULL
	void calcyPlugin::init()
	    // Do some initialization here if necessary..

	int CalcyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam)
		bool handled = false;
		switch (msgId)
			case MSG_INIT:
				handled = true;
		return handled;

Definition at line 317 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_HAS_DIALOG   6

This message asks the plugin if it has a dialog to display in the options menu.

The result of the request is returned via the result of the msg function (handled).

wParam NULL
lParam NULL
	int WebyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam)
		bool handled = false;
		switch (msgId)
			handled = true;
		return handled;

Definition at line 343 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_DO_DIALOG   7

This message tells the plugin that it's time to show its user interface.

wParam (QWidget*): The parent of the dialog to create
lParam (QWidget**): Your plugin's new dialog is returned here for Launchy to keep tabs on it
	void WebyPlugin::doDialog(QWidget* parent, QWidget** newDlg) {
		// gui is a private member variable of class WebyPlugin
		if (gui != NULL) return;

		// class Gui is weby's user interface class
		gui = new Gui(parent);
		*newDlg = gui;

	int WebyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam)
		bool handled = false;
		switch (msgId)
			case MSG_DO_DIALOG:
				doDialog((QWidget*) wParam, (QWidget**) lParam);
		return handled;

Definition at line 376 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_GET_NAME   8

This message asks the plugin for its string name.

wParam (QString*) The destination for the name of your plugin
lParam NULL
	void WebyPlugin::getName(QString* str)
		*str = "Weby";

	int WebyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam)
		bool handled = false;
		switch (msgId)
			case MSG_GET_NAME:
				getName((QString*) wParam);
				handled = true;
		return handled;

Definition at line 406 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_END_DIALOG   9

This message informs the plugin that it should close its dialog.

wParam (bool): Whether the plugin should accept changes made by the user while the dialog was open
lParam NULL
	void WebyPlugin::endDialog(bool accept) {
		if (accept) {
		if (gui != NULL) 
			delete gui;
		gui = NULL;

	int WebyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam)
		bool handled = false;
		switch (msgId)
				endDialog((bool) wParam);
		return handled;

Definition at line 440 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_LAUNCHY_SHOW   10

This message informs the plugin that Launchy is now visible on the screen.

wParam NULL
lParam NULL

Definition at line 449 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_LAUNCHY_HIDE   11

This message informs the plugin that Launchy is no longer visible on the screen.

wParam NULL
lParam NULL

Definition at line 457 of file plugin_interface.h.


Definition at line 461 of file plugin_interface.h.

#define MSG_CONTROL_EXIT   501

Definition at line 462 of file plugin_interface.h.


Definition at line 463 of file plugin_interface.h.

Function Documentation

void runProgram ( QString  file,
QString  args 

A convienience run function.

This function will run the program along with arguments and is platform independent.

file The location of the file to run
args The arguments to the command

int getDesktop (  ) 

Generated on Sat Jun 14 15:07:34 2008 for LaunchyPluginAPI by  doxygen 1.5.4